Monday, April 30, 2012

Visit my E-Portfolio

"An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it."
-William Bernbach

Everything has a purpose. In the world of rhetoric, writers and presenters are magicians who meticulously craft their work to be a masterpiece in disguise. They are illusionists who transform a simple message or request that could be delivered a thousand ways into an experience, an interaction between reader and writer, which is meant to leave a mark. Each word is a magic fiber; each sentence is an enchanted thread. The needle that is a writer’s pen sews them together to become patches of paragraphs and ultimately the robe that the magician wears to deliver his message and cast his spell. However, one pulled thread or one weak fiber could unravel a magician’s robe, and the spell he wishes to cast could be lost. The enchantment will not exist, and the magician must go back to practicing his spellbinding skills.

In the rhetorical world, there are no accidents or ignored circumstances. There is no audience member forgotten or purpose undefined. A magician has his target and keeps his eye fixed on it as he chooses exactly the way to captivate it. Words, designs, and deliveries are the potions a magician mixes into a concoction to fit his purpose, situation, and audience. The subtlest nuances and details are some of the most powerful spices that potentially have the biggest effects. The way a letter curls, the note a voice hits, or the tone a word rings can infiltrate emotions, logic, or willingness to believe.

We live in a world whose colors are shades of rhetoric. Rhetoric is in everything we read, see, hear, write, touch, smell, and taste. Things are the way they are for a reason. They send us messages we receive many times without even noticing. Everything has a purpose, and it is accomplished by rhetoric, a magic that can enchant us in an instant, but takes a lifetime to master.

To visit my E-Portfolio, please click here.

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